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Edinburgh Fringe Festival...

Allison attended and worked her first Edinburgh Fringe Festival in 2016 as a stage manager. Since then, she has stage managed and produced 4 additional festivals with 2023 being her most recent. With each year in Edinburgh, Allison has grown her network of contacts and made long lasting connections. She understands what it takes to succeed at the Fringe, which can be a daunting and overwhelming venture for some. She is excited to continue producing at the Fringe and perhaps be a fantastic asset to your team!

WhatsApp Image 2023-10-18 at 2.32.22 PM.jpeg

Below are Allison's Edinburgh Fringe credits, for which she was a part of the producing team.

17 Minutes

with The Barrow Group and Marshall Cordell

at Gilded Balloon Teviot - Wine Bar




with Dutch Kills Theater

at Assembly Roxy - Upstairs




with Dutch Kills Theater

at Assembly Rooms - Powder Room



The Providence of Neighboring Bodies 

with Dutch Kills Theater

at Underbelly Cowgate - Belly Button


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